Fact: There is more certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO) than any other oil crop in the world. CSPO outstrips any certification of soybean, rapeseed and other oilseed crops.

Indonesia is the #1 producer of certified sustainable palm oil in the world; no other country comes close. Indonesia is the #1 Sustainable Choice.

Indonesia has developed its own sustainability certification, which is mandatory for all growers across Indonesia – Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO).

The ISPO standards were developed through an extensive consultation process between NGOs, the palm oil community, academia, government and other important local and international stakeholders.

ISPO is based on seven principles:

  • Principle 1: Legal plantation business permits
  • Principle 2: Plantation management
  • Principle 3: Protection of primary forest and peatland
  • Principle 4: Environmental management and monitoring
  • Principle 5: Responsibility to workers
  • Principle 6: Social responsibility and community economic empowerment
  • Principle 7: Continuous business improvement

The ISPO system has the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) through its Sustainable Palm Oil (SPO) initiative.